Photo: BJA Webinar on the European Union

BJA Webinar on the European Union

“Never waste a crisis to unravel the DNA of the EU”

With KU Leuven Professor Steven Van Hecke

Everything you always wanted to know about (or how well acquainted are you with) the European Institutions, such as the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council of the European Union, the European Court of Auditors, the European Court of Justice, the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and more. We will address their institutional architecture, the respective responsibilities, the functioning of the different bodies and their whereabouts.
How do the European institutions interact with Japan? What are the current topics at stake? You will hear the expert's view!

This event is kindly sponsored by EY.


10:50 Opening of the online event
11:00 Welcome words by Danielle Vermaelen, Partner EY and BJA EU Committee Chair
11:05 Presentation on the EU Institutions by Professor Steven Van Hecke, KU Leuven
  Followed by Q&A
12:15 The event adjourns

Steven Van Hecke is professor in Comparative and EU Politics at the KU Leuven Public Governance Institute. His research and publications focus on EU institutions and European integration history. He teaches, among others, ‘Governance in the EU’ to master students at the KU Leuven. He regularly comments on current EU affairs (such as the Brexit) in the Flemish media.

Danielle Vermaelen is a certified public accountant, specialised in audits of European funds. Within EY she has set up the EY Centre of Excellence for the audit of EU-funds, a Brussels based department comprised of around 40 auditors from across Europe, who are seasoned in audit of public funding, especially from the EU institutions. EY teams have extensive experience in EU funding programmes, including development, humanitarian aid, research and innovation, education and other structural funds.



This event will take place via the Zoom platform.
A specific meeting link will be provided to the registered participants 1 week before the event, along with the event guidelines


Deadline for Registration: 14 April 2021
This event is free of charge, but registration mandatory

Kindly send your questions for Prof. Van Hecke by 13 April 2021 to


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20-04-2021 BJA Webinar on the EU with KU Leuven Prof Steven Van Hecke - Capture29

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